Invest in the Music,
Elevate the Experience
By supporting the Indiana Wind Symphony, you fuel our operations, ignite innovative programming, and empower our talented soloists.
Your generous donation will directly support the smooth functioning of the IWS, ensuring its continued success and ability to deliver captivating performances that touch the hearts of our audiences. Furthermore, your support enables our gifted soloists to shine brightly, showcasing their extraordinary talents and enriching our community with diverse and captivating musical experiences.
Ways to donate
Mail a check
You can make checks out to Indiana Wind Symphony, and send to our mailing address:
Indiana Wind Symphony
PO Box 78592
Indianapolis, IN 46268
To donate to a specific fund, please include a note or write it in the memo.
Give Online
We’ve made it simple for you to give online. Simple click the button below and it will direct you to a secure online payment portal.
Support the IWS
Every donation makes a difference
Music connects us all on a deeper level. It helps us realize we’re not alone in the world— that there is someone, somewhere who feels the same way that we do. Every dollar donated to the IWS goes toward connecting more people through music.
We are grateful for all of our generous sponsors and donors who support the IWS and its initiatives to bring music to the community.
Why Donate?
The IWS plays a critical role in enhancing the quality of life for area residents by providing great symphonic music, which is an essential element of a vibrant community. While the IWS has successfully undertaken a unique and ambitious plan to grow audiences with innovative programs, our ticket sales cover only about one quarter of our operating expenses.
Please consider a gift today. Your generous donation provides a wonderful opportunity for individuals like you to support a beloved performing arts organization in Central Indiana.
A special thank you to the following community and foundation supporters:
Thank you to the following concertgoers and music lovers:
The John Philip Sousa Society
$1,000 or more
Mary Bowman
Nicholas Brightman
Matt and Lisa Burke
John Chlapik
Daymon Evans
Jack Fife
David Greenburg
Bob and Ellen Johnson
Ron and Phyllis LaFeber
Todd McCready
Patrick & Gilmore’s Band
James and Cheryl DeCaro
Ed Engledow
Stan and Liz Hitzeman
Bruce and Jane Reynolds
Karl King’s Circus Band
James and Lynda Beckel
Alan Davis
Frank Plettner
Gale Nichols and Alvin Rosenfield
Henry Fillmore’s Radio Band
Richard Beach
Tim and Carrie Cox
Marguerite and William Dorsch
Alice Greenburg
Beverly Hollandbeck
Cherie James
Lara Langeneckert
Darrell and Eula Megli
Martha and Ken Myles
Mark Wayman
Arthur Pryor Circle
James Alexander
Cheri Brightman
Gay Burkhart
Jim Butz
Christina and Evan Cooper
Nila Fillmann
Marilyn Flowers
Nancy Frass
Bob Frost
Alan Greenburg
Tereze Inveiss
Linda Moore
Frank Stevens
Fred Jewell’s Sells-Floto Band
Adam Nichols
Larry Purdue
Helena Silva and Nancy Straatman
Thank you to the following supporters for their special donations:
Dr. Charles Conrad Endowment Fund
$1000 or more
Nathan Voges
Lisa Bright
Special Contributions
Alison Brown, In Honor of Rodney Fletcher
Daymon Evans, In Support of Jane Hilaire, Alto Flute Chair
Keith and Arlene Fink and N. E. Kinzie, In Memory of Eric Schreibman
Greg Reynolds, In Honor of Bruce and Jan Reynolds
Priscilla and Thomas Shea, In Memory of Barbara Pety-Conger